On October 23, 2024, Barnstable County Board of Regional Commissioners took a significant step toward fostering a more inclusive and accessible community by signing the Age- and Dementia-Friendly Cape Cod Resolution. This action positions the County to take a leadership role in creating a community that is welcoming, supportive, and responsive to the needs of all, including older adults and those living with dementia. It also propels the work of Healthy Aging Cape Cod forward by connecting it to a framework and resources developed by AARP.
But Healthy Aging Cape Cod itself is firmly rooted in the local ecosystem of aging services, municipalities and mutual aid organizations, an effort that predates the county’s resolution by at least a decade. Like many other community-based projects, Healthy Aging Cape Cod fell dormant during the darkest days of the pandemic but is now coming back to life. Helped by the thoughtful leadership of Barnstable County’s Department of Human Services, Healthy Aging Cape Cod has adopted a transparent and durable Governance Structure, and while participation in Healthy Aging Cape Cod remains voluntary and fluid, this structure will serve as a roadmap towards greater continuity and accountability for the group.
Eva Orman, Older Adult Social Services Navigator with the County Department of Human Services, shared that “Supporting an age- and dementia-friendly regional plan for Cape Cod offers numerous benefits that extend beyond enhanced livability. By fostering a supportive, inclusive environment, Cape Cod can improve the quality of life for its older residents, strengthen community ties, and promote better health outcomes. Investing in these initiatives is a strategic move towards a brighter future for the entire region.”

A September planning meeting convened by the County attracted representatives of Neighborhood Falmouth, the Cape Cod Commission, Alzheimer’s Family Support Center, Latinx in Action, Independence House, CORD, Cape Cod Council of Churches, the Hyannis Library and other older adult stakeholders along with those from several Councils on Aging and Cape Cod Healthcare. By casting a wide net, Healthy Aging Cape Cod hopes to attract a diverse group of actors to begin to tackle issues that are regional in nature.
The planning meeting was facilitated by Jennifer Knauer, who asked us to focus on the importance of “tiny wins” – specific actions that are achievable in the near term, tangibly improve the livability for all in the community, and build momentum towards addressing gaps. Healthy Aging Cape Cod’s regional and collaborative approach will help agencies, like Elder Services, make more effective use of limited resources to address conditions impacting its operations. Healthy Aging Cape Cod’s plans for 2025 include the launch of two working groups, one to address the decline in volunteering among older adults and another to promote and coordinate efforts to fully promote equitable digital access for older adults.
To receive updates, be added to meeting invitation lists, and for any questions, please contact Mandi Speakman, Deputy Director of Barnstable County Department of Human Services at mandi.speakman@capecod.gov or 508-470-4936.