Senior Care in Home Professionals


We are part of the Mass Aging Access network, a group of 30 non-profits dedicated to serving seniors in every city and town in Massachusetts as well as a member of the National Association of Area Agencies on Aging (n4A), the umbrella organization for the 655 AAAs in the United States.

Elder Services of Cape Cod & the Islands

Our Mission & History

For over 50 years, Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands has been finding creative solutions to ensure we can all thrive as we age. We are your connection to the resources you need to stay safe, healthy, and independent.

Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, Inc. is a nonprofit, community-based organization dedicated to promoting welfare, enhancing the quality of life, and maintaining the dignity of elders in Barnstable, Dukes (except Gosnold), and Nantucket Counties. The organization acts as a central source for information and referral, as an advocate, collaborator, and catalyst, as a coordinator of services and care, as an educator, and as a provider of direct services.

We’re Here With You

Our agency employs over 140 trained staff and has over 1,300 caring people who volunteer their time to help ensure that the Cape Cod and the Islands remains a great place to grow older.


Meals Annually

Meals are delivered by more than 1,300 Meals on Wheels volunteers.


Individuals in 2023

Managed in-home services help individuals live independently.



We add to the local economy each year through contracts with 3rd party service providers.

Our People

Maryanne Ryan

Chief Executive Officer

Laura Roskos

Development & Public Information Officer

Judy Sokoloski

Chief Financial Officer

Megan Panek

Director of Martha’s Vineyard Office

Kim Nahas

Clinical Services Officer

Sheri Hunt

Director of Nantucket Office

Sarah Franey

Community Services Officer/AAA Planner

Stephanie Ficher

Managed Care Services Officer

Robert Blancato

Kelly Howley

Doug Bolton

Robert Kucharavy

Mark Dennen

Linda Landry, Clerk

Carol DiBona

Andrea Lavenets

Lyndsay Famariss

Susan Marancik, Vice President

Susan Flanagan

Deborah Mayhew

Steven Greenberg, Treasurer

Mary E. McKenna, President

Shawn Grunwald

Eva M. Orman

Lauren Haddad

Kari Phinney

John Carroll

Donald Peters

Charlie Case

Michelle Peterson

Linda Colby

Brandon Raneo

Taylor Hilst

Jim Worthington, Chairperson

Aging Network

Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands (ESCCI) collaborates and contracts with a comprehensive network of health and supportive services to meet consumers’ needs. As a member of the Cape and Islands regional Aging and Disability Resource Consortium (ADRC), ESCCI provides consumers with information and referral, options counseling, and assistance with decision support and service planning. ADRCs serve individuals of all ages living with a disability, striving to ensure a ”no wrong door” experience for all.

Aging Services Network

We are the federally designated Area Agency on Aging (AAA). As an AAA, we work to heighten awareness among other agencies, policy makers and the public about the needs of older people, and to educate older people and their caregivers about the benefits and services available to help them. As a federally-designated Area Agency on Aging, Elder Services is charged with creating a published plan for Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket counties to address the needs of seniors and ensuring that service needs identified in the plan are provided. We receive federal funds under the Older Americans Act to provide some of those services.

Download the plan here.

We are a member of USAging, the national association representing and supporting the network of 655 Area Agencies on Aging across the United States and advocating for the Title VI Native American Aging Programs.

ESCCI is a state designated Aging Service Access Point. Aging Service Access Points (ASAPs) are located regionally, serving every community in the Commonwealth. ASAPs receive funding through the state Executive Office of Aging & Independence to provide information and referral, clinical eligibility determinations, the state home care program, protective services and a variety of other services to support older adults living independently in their home and community. We supplement the federal and state funding we receive with grants from the towns we serve as well as local foundations and gifts from individuals.

ESCCI is a member of Mass Aging Access, the non-profit trade association representing the Commonwealth’s network of 28 Aging Services Access Points (ASAPs) and Area Agencies Aging (AAAs). This single, statewide network of coordinated care delivers home and community-based services to over 60,000 individuals per month, providing over $600 million per year in services.

Annual Report

ESCCI prides itself on its transparency. View our annual report below.

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