Community Grants
The Area Agency on Aging (AAA) under the auspices of Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, Inc. promotes and sponsors many services which reach out to all people in the community aged sixty and older.
Community Grants and Senior Solutions
Title III Community Grants for 2023
Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands’ Title III Grant Program sponsors many services which reach out to all people in the community aged sixty and older.
As the Area Agency on Aging (AAA) for our region, Elder Services receives Title III B and D Community Federal Grants. This money is awarded to other community and municipal organizations working in partnership with us to address particular challenges facing us as we age. These partners provide needed care and assistance to low-income, socially isolated, severely disabled, minority, limited English speaking, LGBT and rural elders in Barnstable, Dukes and Nantucket Counties as well as those with Alzheimer’s or other dementias and their caregivers.
The Title III Grant Program is overseen by an advisory board and funding decisions are made in alignment with a community needs assessment. The funding cycle is annual with a Request for Proposals issued in late spring.
Alzheimer’s Family Caregiver Support Center (Title IIID)
Provides free supportive counseling services to caregivers of people with Alzheimer’s and other dementia related illnesses, utilizing state of the art teleconferencing technology to connect on–Cape caregivers, counselors, and long-distance family members. The program now includes a centrally located “drop-off program” for caregiver respite.
Brewster Council on Aging
This program provides seniors transportation to medical appointments and stipends to volunteer drivers to cover travel expenses.
Cape Cod Samaritans
The Senior Outreach program is three-pronged: (1) a public relations campaign to ensure that older adults understand that the Samaritans crisis lines are for people who are lonely, in crisis or even suicidal; (2)a referral program for outgoing calls to those identified by councils on aging, assisted living facilities, physicians’ offices, or through self-referral, and (3) an Elder Suicide Prevention Training for Cape and Islands Communities that provides tools to help community members reduce the risk of elder suicide.
Chatham Council on Aging
Meeting multiple times per month, this program provides resources and support for older adult LGBTQ+ individuals Cape-wide, including bereavement services, enrichment opportunities, specialized legal support, educational experiences, and social activities.
Helping Our Women (HOW)
This program provides critically ill women, in the Outer Cape area, transportation to and from medical appointments.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services
Provides in-home/community short-term assessment, intervention, and referral for mental health and substance abuse issues for elders 60 and over.
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
(508) 477-0208 Ext. 117
Provides caregiver homemaking services to Wampanoag Tribal Elders within Barnstable County.
MV Center for Community Living
This full Island, shopping shuttle service will support older and disabled adults maintain independence by providing an accessible and convenient way to do their own grocery shopping and errands on a weekly basis.
Orleans COA
The “Sip and Swipe Café” provides 1:1 technology instruction to older adults (education and assistance regarding the use of smartphones, tablets, computers etc. and changing technology practices like understanding and using QR codes, ordering an Uber, accessing a health portal online) all while enjoying coffee and socialization.
Palliative & Supportive Care of Nantucket Foundation
Provides individualized assessment, education, counseling, and referral services for Nantucket caregivers. Can be provided in home or other setting. Also offering caregiver support groups and De-Stressing to Cope Program.
South Coastal Counties Legal Services, Inc.
Intake (508) 775-7020
Funds the “Elder Law Project” which provides free civil legal services to seniors on the Cape and Islands through direct services, referral, and community outreach and education.
Sight Loss Services
The program will provide any elder in need with assisted transportation to eye care procedures which require a responsible party to assist them, such as cataract surgery. This program would also provide visually impaired elders assisted transportation to simple medical procedures such as lab draws. Other services include Peer Support, an Information & Referral network, an Adaptive Aid Resource Room, Outreach & Home Independence, Education & Awareness, Support Groups and Social Enrichment Activities.
Truro Council on Aging
This program provides senior residents of Truro transportation to and from medical appointments.